

  • “全力以赴”恢復管道運營--商務部長

  • Colonial拒絕評論DarkSide黑客是否參與攻擊

  • 夏洛特道格拉斯國際機場說備有燃料

白宮周日與遭遇勒索軟件網絡攻擊的美國最大燃油管道運營商Colonial Pipeline緊密合作,以幫助其恢復運營。攻擊事件迫使該公司關閉了向人口稠密的東部各州供油的關鍵燃油網絡。





美國商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)表示,恢復管道運營是拜登政府的重中之重,華盛頓在幫助Colonial盡快重啟其從德克薩斯州到新澤西州的超過5,500英里(8,850公里)的管道網絡,來避免更嚴重的燃油供應中斷。

“現在,各方全力以赴,”雷蒙多在CBS的“面對國家”(Face the Nation)節目中說。“我們正在與該公司、州及地方官員密切合作,以確保他們能夠恢復正常運營,消除供應中斷。“



其廣闊的管道網還為美國主要機場提供服務,包括全球客運量最大的亞特蘭大哈茲菲爾德-杰克遜國際機場(Hartsfield Jackson Airport)。

夏洛特道格拉斯國際機場(Charlotte Douglas International Airport)發言人表示,該機場目前有燃料儲備,“正在密切關注這一情況”,并稱其燃料供應來自另一家大型油管運營商和Colonial。

美國汽車協會(American Automobile Association)等團體的燃料零售專家表示,本次中斷若持續數日,可能對地區燃料供應造成嚴重影響,特別是美國東南部。





'All hands on deck' after pipeline hack -U.S. official

U.S. government officials were working closely with one of the nation's largest pipelines on Sunday to help it recover from a major ransomware cyberattack that forced the pipeline operator to shut a critical fuel network that supplies gas and jet fuel to the country's populous eastern states.

The attack is one of the most disruptive digital ransom operations reported and has prompted calls from American lawmakers to tighten protections for critical U.S. energy infrastructure against hackers.
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday said Washington was working to avoid more severe fuel supply disruptions and to help Colonial Pipeline restart its pipeline network as quickly as possible.
RAIMONDO: "It's an all hands on deck effort right now and we are working closely with the company, state and local officials, to make sure that they get back up to normal operations as quickly as possible and there aren't disruptions in supply."
Colonial transports roughly 2.5 million barrels per day of gasoline and other fuels from refiners on the Gulf Coast to consumers in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States.
While the government investigation is in the early stages, a former U.S. official and two industry sources said the hackers are likely a professional cybercriminal group and that a group called DarkSide was among potential suspects.